Halloween costumes have a long and varied history that dates back to ancient customs and traditions.
Trick or Treat
The history of trick-or-treating can be traced back to ancient traditions that evolved over centuries.
Halloween decorations are all about creating an immersive and enchanting experience.
The Origins of Halloween
Samhain, an ancient Celtic holiday, is where Halloween originated. On the evening of October 31st, this festival was held to commemorate the conclusion of the harvest season and the arrival of winter. The Celts thought that on this night the dead returned and that the line between the living and the dead became blurred.
The Celts would light bonfires and dress in animal pelts to stave off these ghosts. In an effort to placate them and stop them from causing mischief, they would often place food and offerings for the dead outside of their houses.
Samhain and Feralia
Feralia was a celebration that the Romans carried with them from their conquest of the Celtic territories. It was held in late October and paid tribute to the deceased. Samhain and Feralia united over time, combining the customs of their two celebrations.
Pope Gregory III established All Saints’ Day, a day to commemorate saints and martyrs, on November 1st in the eighth century. Originally called All Hallows’ Eve, the night before All Saints’ Day was subsequently abbreviated as Halloween.
Before Irish immigrants carried their Halloween customs with them to the United States in the 19th century, Halloween was not a widely observed holiday. One of the most widely observed holidays in the US these days is Halloween, which is celebrated by people of all ages with parades, parties, and trick-or-treating.
Halloween Costumes
The history of Halloween costumes is rich and diverse, with roots in ancient traditions.
Halloween Decorations
Halloween decorations are all about creating an immersive and enchanting experience.